We answer the questions consumers most frequently ask about MEMO Money Orders and MEMO Bill Payments.
What is a money order?
A money order is an alternative to a personal check. It can be used to pay bills, buy goods and/or services.
If my money order has been cashed, how can I tell who cashed it?
Download a Money Order Request Form to obtain a photocopy of both sides of the cashed money order. Fill in the form completely and remit it to MEMO with the applicable fee. The fee for money orders with a value of $50.00 or greater is $25.00. The fee for money orders .01 – $49.99 is 50% of the value of the money order. A copy of the purchaser’s receipt must be included with the form. The fee is payable by money order or cashier’s check.
Where can I obtain a Money Order Request Form?
You can print a Money Order Request Form from the website, www.memoco.com. You can also contact MEMO at 1-800-922-8079 and ask a customer service representative to mail, fax or email a Money Order Request Form to you. Additionally, you can also obtain a Money Order Request Form at a MEMO agent location.
Where can I buy a MEMO Money Order?
Use our “Find a MEMO Agent” search.
How can I tell if a MEMO Money Order I purchased has been cashed?
The bilingual automated phone attendant accepts calls 24 hours each day, 7 days a week.
Can MEMO Money Orders be used outside of the United States?
MEMO Money Orders can be used anywhere American currency is accepted. However, it is at the discretion of any accepting institution as to what payment instrument it will accept. MEMO would suggest you coordinate with the party to whom you are mailing your funds prior to mailing a MEMO Money Order outside of the United States.
How can I obtain a refund or replacement money order?
Only the purchaser of a money order can request a refund/replacement money order. To do so, you must complete a Money Order Request Form and submit it to MEMO, along with a copy of the money order Purchaser’s Receipt. If you do not have your Purchaser’s Receipt, you will need to call MEMO at 1-800-922-8079 and speak with a Customer Service Representative.
Where can I cash a MEMO Money Order?
Check cashing locations and/or businesses offering check cashing services are the most likely solutions. Some MEMO agents will cash money orders, but they are not required to do so. MEMO agents are authorized selling locations. MEMO agents establish their own policies in regard to cashing money orders.
Do MEMO Money Orders have expiration dates?
No. Although MEMO Money Orders do not have expiration dates, there is a non-refundable service charge deducted from the face value of the money order if it is not used or cashed within one of the purchase date (where applicable by law).
How do I pay my bills through MEMO Bill Payments?
Take your bills to any MEMO Bill Payments location along with the amount you are paying, plus the convenience fee.
How much does it cost to pay a bill?
The convenience fee for paying each bill generally averages $2.25. Certain billers require higher or lower fees be charged by MEMO Bill Payment locations. Please check with your MEMO Bill Payment location for specific convenience fees.
How long does it take for my bill to credit to my account?
Generally, most bill payments credit to your account within 1-3 business days; however, some payments credit almost immediately. Please check with your MEMO Bill Payment location for specific bill payment posting times.
Can someone pay my bill for me?
Yes, provided they have your bill or account number, the payment amount and the convenience fee.
Do I get my bill back after payment?
No, the MEMO Bill Payments agent will keep your bill along with a copy of your receipt on file in case a payment question arises.
Can I pay my bills with a check?
Most bill payments require a cash payment; however, certain billers allow MEMO Bill Payments to accept personal checks as payment. Please check with your MEMO Bill Payment location for billers that accept checks.
How do I know that my bill was paid?
After each bill payment transaction, a customer receipt is automatically generated identifying your payment information. It is important to always check your receipt before leaving your payment location.